Wagner Alvarenga Apps

Mi RUNT - Colombia 1.2
Wagner Alvarenga
Quiere saber si como está registrada tuinformación ante el RUNT?Use esta aplicación para consultar la información con la que seusted se encuentra registrado en el Registro Unico Nacional deTránsito de Colombia. La consulta se hace directamente en la páginadel RUNT.Digite su tipo, número de documento de identidad eidentificación del vehículo, llene la información de seguridad yhaga click en el botón CONSULTAR INFORMACIÓN para ver el detalle deinformación de su vehículo registrada ante las autoridades detránsito.Want to know if you areregistered as your information before the RUNT?Use this application to view the information with which you areregistered in the National Register of Transit Unico Colombia.Consultation is done directly on the page RUNT.Enter your type, identification number and vehicleidentification, fill in the information security and click on thebutton SEE INFO to see the detail information of your vehicleregistered with transit authorities.
Mis Vehículos - Colombia 1.2
Wagner Alvarenga
Quiere saber si su vehículo está registradoante el RUNT.Use esta aplicación para consultar la información con la que seencuentra registrado su vehículo ante el Registro Unico Nacional deTránsito de Colombia. La consulta se hace directamente en la páginadel RUNT.Digite su tipo, número de documento de identidad eidentificación del vehículo, llene la información de seguridad yhaga click en el botón CONSULTAR INFORMACIÓN para ver el detalle deinformación de su vehículo registrada ante las autoridades detránsito.Want to know if yourvehicle is registered with the RUNT.Use this application to view the information with which yourvehicle is registered to a single national register TransitColombia. Consultation is done directly on the page RUNT.Enter your type, identification number and vehicleidentification, fill in the information security and click on thebutton SEE INFO to see the detail information of your vehicleregistered with transit authorities.
My Web App 2.0
Wagner Alvarenga
MyWebApp is an Android App that loads a index.html (local web site)file located under MyWebApp folder of your SD card. Copy yourcustom web content to the MyWebApp folder. You can use HTML, CSSand Javascript files. Then reload the App to view your content.FEATURES You can call predefined functions from your Javascriptcode using 'window.external.FunctionName(Optional Parameters);'.Replace FunctionName and Optional Parameters according with thefunction called. Some functions are: - GetWidth() - GetHeight() -GetAndroidID() - GetUserAccount() - FileExist('test.txt') -FileWrite('test.txt', 'Test data.') - FileLoad('test.txt') -FileDelete('test.txt') - CreateDirectory('temp') -DeleteDirectory('temp') - GetContact() firesonContactPickerSuccess(vlstrName, vlstrNumbers) andonContactPickerFail(vlstrError). - GetPicture() firesonGetPictureSuccess(vlintResultCode) andonGetPictureFail(vlintResultCode). On success you need to callwindow.external.GetPictureData() for the Base64 image data. -StartGPSService() fires onLocationChanged(vldblLat, vldblLon,vldblSpeed) and onStatusChanged(vlstrStatus). - CancelGPSService()- StartTTSService() - SetSpokenLanguage(LanguageCode) Ej: 'en','spa', 'es', etc. - SpeakText(Text) - CancelTTSService() -MsgBox(Message) - PlayBeep(Tone) Ej: 28 -PlaySound('http://soundbible.com/mp3/Music_Box-Big_Daddy-1389738694.mp3')- CancelToast() - EnableToast() - and more to come.
Community Alarm 2.6
Wagner Alvarenga
Create your alarm central using Telegram messages.
My Expression Maker 1.0
Wagner Alvarenga
With this app you can create customuserexpressions.Register any expression using + - * / ^, group operations with()and use predefined math functions.You can add variables to your expressions. Add a variable intheform of [varname], where varname is the name of the var to askatevaluation moment. NOTE: Brackets are required.i.e:([x]*9/5)+32Sample usage:([x]*9/5)+32Advanced usage:a=[c0]+5f(x,y)=x^2+2*x*y+y^2[c1]^2+(5*f(2,3))Then evaluate your functions.Predefined values:- pi, Get value of pi- e, Get value of eAvailable functions:- sqrt(value), Square root- abs(value), Absolute value- ln(value), Natural logarithm- log(value), Base-10 logarithm- ceil(value), Round fractions up- floor(value), Round fractions down- round(value), Rounds a float- sin(value), Sine- sinh(value), Hyperbolic sine- asin(value), Arc sine- asinh(value), Inverse hyperbolic sine- cos(value), Cosine- cosh(value), Hyperbolic cosine- acos(value), Arc cosine- acosh(value), Inverse hyperbolic cosine- tan(value), Tangent- tanh(value), Hyperbolic tangent- atan(value), Arc tangent- atanh(value), Inverse hyperbolic tangentEvalMath - PHP Class to safely evaluate math expressionsCopyright (C) 2005 Miles Kaufmann <http://www.twmagic.com/>
Golf Course 1.0
Wagner Alvarenga
Use this app to keep records and statistics of your games and golftournaments. Do not have an Android phone? Do not worry. Visithttp://www.brainatoms.com/golfcourse NOTE: THIS PROGRAM REQUIRESINTERNET TO WORK
Chat Buzzer 1.1.0
Wagner Alvarenga
This application issues an alert forWhatsAppmessages of your interest.Use it to find out when someone is talking about you in agroup,or to sound an security alarm at a special word or tomonitorwhatever you want.Add as many WhatsApp groups (exact name) as you like andmanywords per group as needed. For each group assign aringtonealert.Each time one of the defined words appear in a the group chattheselected ringtone for the group will sound.
Chat Locator 1.2
Wagner Alvarenga
This application analyzes the Androidsystemnotifications for new WhatsApp messages.When a new WhatsApp message is found, the message textcomparesagainst the Key location text configured in the system.If it matches, it finds the person who sent the message inyouraddress book, and sends an SMS with your last location.
Digital Signage 2.1
Wagner Alvarenga
DESCRIPTION Digital Signage is a FREE android app for playingInternet content on your device. You can play videos, images andweb pages available anywhere on the web. You can have up to 99players on the same Google account. Each player must run in aseparate android device. DEVICE ID In the upper left corner youwill see an ID number. That number identifies each player on yourGoogle account. When you first start the app, it will createautomatically a player with this ID on the system with the name NEWPLAYER. ADMINISTRATION The same app is used for administration andplayer. You can administer all your players from any of them. Theapp is divided in 2 sections. A left MENU panel and right DATAmanagement panel. The DATA managment panel display content in GRIDstyle. Swipe up and down to scroll the records and use the ADD,EDIT and DELETE buttons to modify specific record information. TheDATA management panels are splitted in 2 sections in aMASTER-DETAIL organization. Select a record in the upper (MASTER)section to display information in the bottom (DETAIL) sectionrelated with the record selected. CONFIGURATION The first thing todo is create a LAYOUT. A LAYOUT has a DESCRIPTION and 1 o moreZONES. LAYOUTS are shared against all players on the same account.Select LAYOUT from the left MENU panel. The right DATA panel willsplit in 2 sections. The upper part holds the description of theLAYOUT and the bottom one displays the ZONES related with theLAYOUT. A ZONE is rectangle of the display area when you can addcontent in a PLAYLIST. Each ZONE is made of 4 coordinates, left,top, width and height. You can define up to 9 ZONES in a LAYOUT.ZONE number must be consecutive and starting by 1. After creatingthe LAYOUT we need to asign it to a PLAYER. Select PLAYERS from theleft MENU panel. The right DATA panel will split in 2 sections. Theupper part with holds the PLAYER information (NAME, LAYOUT andDEVICE ID and STATE) and the bottom one the PLAYLIST associatedwith the PLAYER. A PLAYLIST is a list of Internet content to beplayed on a ZONE. Each content of the PLAYLIST is made of a ZONE(where the content is being played), a INDEX (consecutive numberstarting by 1), a TYPE (video, image, html), a URL (full Internetaddresses of the content) and a DURATION (time in seconds for thecontent). The PLAYLIST plays in a loop, so once reached the end itstart over with the first content again. PLAYING A local PLAYbutton is available on the left MENU section. Use it to test thePLAYLIST on your local device. Use REMOTE ADMINISTRATION todetermine the state of each player on your account. REMOTEADMINISTRATION Player records will show GREEN or RED depending ifthey are playing content or not. You can START and STOP playersremotely. Use the STATE field of the PLAYER record to switchbetween PLAY and STOP. When a PLAYER is in PLAY state, the app withtry to start it in playing mode each time you start the app. Aservice check the PLAYER state every minute to determine what todo.
Panic Button 2.6
Wagner Alvarenga
Panic Button is an Android application that lets you set up asecurity group based on text messages. From your contact listselect those you want to be part of your safety net. As we knowthat in an emergency the reaction time is crucial, we haveimplemented an easy and quick to launch an alert to your network ofcontacts. Although this application is not visible or the phone isoff screen, just press 5 or more times the power button on yourphone to activate the alarm. Likewise, if the application is openat the time, you can press the panic button to execute the sameaction. If the person receiving the alarm text messages DOES NOThave the application installed, you simply receive an SMS alertwith the coordinates of the person who needs your help, but if youalso have installed the application you will hear a continuousalarm audio that will identify immediately panic. For disabling thealarm should enter the application and cancel the alarm.
Mis Procesos - Colombia 1.2
Wagner Alvarenga
A muchas personas en Colombia las demandan por alimentación,deudas, propiedad, etc y si les va bien solo se enteran cuandollegan a hacerles el secuestro del bien mueble o inmueble o eldescuento por el porcentaje de retención por embargo del salario,ya que en Colombia hay dos formas de notificar: - Por estado, esdecir que en el mismo juzgado se coloca en su cartelera lanotificación, para lo cual deberemos recorrer muchas oficinas dejuzgados civiles, municipales y del circuito que hay. - O lanotificación personal, por la demanda o ya por el mandamiento depago, es decir cuando la demanda fue aceptada y dice el juzgado elmonto aceptado para pagar. Por lo tanto en muchos casos cuando laspersonas se enteran de la demanda ya es muy tarde para responderla.Esta aplicación le permitirá con buenas posibilidades, consultar enlas bases de datos de la rama judicial si usted tiene algún procesoregistrado.
FotoMultasGPS 5.0.0
Wagner Alvarenga
Avoid fines receiving voice alerts when close to photo cameradetection. The application will inform you by voice with the nameof the camera and its current speed, vehicle restriction and if youhave any due insurance. We have enrolled cameras to differentcities in Colombia. With the new functionality in custom locations,you can register from your device with a single touch new cameras.These will be available only to the user. Visit the Help tab orpage application help inhttps://www.brainatoms.com/fotomultas/index.html link for moreinformation on this feature. Create custom locations from yourdevice by clicking on the speedometer of the application (requiresInternet connection at that time). That location will be registeredonly for the user and will be named as 'SIN NOMBRE'. You can visitthe following link https://www.brainatoms.com/fotomultas/mapa2.phpto configure your custom locations or you can do it inside the app.To view the location of the cameras registered in the system visitthe following link https://www.brainatoms.com/fotomultas/mapa.phpor check the tab Map on the device. Help us improve our service.Send camera locations that are not yet registered to the systemthat we enter mail fotomultasgps@gmail.com
Mis Multas - Colombia 1.3
Wagner Alvarenga
Cuantas veces se ha enterado de que tiene una infracción vigentemeses después de realizada? Muchas veces nunca llegan lasnotificaciones físicas de las infracciones de tránsito. Use estaaplicación para consultar periódicamente el estado de sus multas ysanciones por infracciones de tránsito en Colombia directamentedesde su celular. La consulta se hace directamente en la página delSIMIT. Digite su tipo y número de documento de identidad, llene lainformación de seguridad y haga click en el botón CONSULTAR paraver el detalle de sus infracciones de tránsito reportadas por estaentidad.
Live TV 2.8
Wagner Alvarenga
LiveTV is an application for playing audio and video online.
Mis Licitaciones - Colombia 1.6
Wagner Alvarenga
Mis Licitaciones es una aplicación que permite realizar consultasalos procesos de contratación del estado colombiano SECOP -Hagaclick en MENU para desplegar el menú de búsquedas. - Seleccioneunode los 5 contenedores de búsqueda en la parte superior.-Seleccione la fuente de datos: SECOP I o SECOP II. - Digiteeltexto a buscar en el campo y presione enviar. - Visualicelosresultados y haga click en DETALLES para conocer másinformación. -Filtre los resultados de su búsqueda a través de lascasillas deselección. - Haga click en REFRESCAR para actualizarlosresultados. - Seleccione que campos quiere ver en el resultadodela búsqueda con DISEÑO DE RESULTADOS - Haga click en REINICIARparareiniciar los parámetros del contenedor de búsqueda. Envíenossuscomentarios y sugerencias de como mejorar nuestra app.
LiveTV 3.0
Wagner Alvarenga
Use this application to watch Internet TV.